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Key STage 4
Starting Key Stage 4 courses is a new and exciting time in your life. You have been given the foundations in a wide range of subject areas and now you have the opportunity to build on this knowledge and spread your experience in the areas that interest you. You have reached an important stage in your school career and this is your first opportunity to influence the curriculum you follow.
In this significant and challenging period of your education, it is essential that we give you a clear and informed view of the options available and how this is matched to your individual needs, interests and abilities. We recognize the importance of the decisions you have to make when transferring from Year 9 to Key Stage 4.
It is important that you choose subjects that suit your strengths and interests. We will support you in choosing the most appropriate subjects that reflect your skills and aspirations. A thriving learner is a learner who has made a good choice.
We also consider this time to be a time to strengthen the partnership that exists between your parents/carers and the school. We value this partnership as we feel it is instrumental to ensure that you commit yourself fully to the hard work that will enable you to successfully meet the challenges of the new courses in Years 10 and 11.

What will I study?
The Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) Curriculum for 2019 - 2021 is intended to improve your skills in essential areas such as literacy and numeracy, and allow rather more 'specialisation' than the broad course of study you have followed in the first three years at Bro Dinefwr. Here are some of the main points about the curriculum.
In line with the requirements of the National Curriculum, Welsh English, mathematics, and science are core subjects, to be studied by all pupils up to the end of year 11. Religious studies and games are also compulsory.
The mathematics programme is divided into two separate GCSEs – GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Numeracy. Numeracy is the type of maths needed in everyday life.
Three option groups are provided, and there is a wide range of subjects. You will choose one subject from each option group, and the choices you make will help to define your learning pathway.
All learners will study a science programme tailored to their ability. Most students will study GCSE Science Double Award that is worth two GCSEs. A small minority will study GCSE Applied Science Single Award which is worth one GCSE.
In the enrichment programme, some students will have the opportunity to study more hours of science, leading to separate GCSEs in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.