School Improvement PLan 2o24-25

School Priorities

  • We aim to promote reading across all subjects, particularly focusing on closing the gender gap in reading outcomes between boys and girls. Action steps include engaging pupil voices, promoting reading for pleasure, and collaborating with similar schools for best practices. Reading strategies will be tailored for boys, and reading interventions will be set up based on data from assessments. Regular meetings will monitor the effectiveness of reading strategies, and teachers will adjust their approaches as needed. There will be continuous training for staff and tailored support for struggling readers, particularly those with additional learning needs. The goal is to embed reading into the school's culture and curriculum.

  • A new behaviour centre will be established, focusing on trauma-informed approaches and restorative practices. The centre will handle classroom interventions and offer short-term support to address poor behaviour. A school-wide training initiative will ensure all staff are aligned with behaviour management strategies, emphasizing clear expectations, consistent practices, and parental engagement. Positive reinforcement through the classcharts reward system will be enhanced, and additional interventions will be introduced for disadvantaged students. Feedback from pupils and parents will help refine these strategies, and staff will regularly review behaviour management outcomes.

  • The school seeks to standardise assessment and feedback practices, particularly for Year 9, which is engaging with the new Curriculum for Wales (CfW) assessments for the first time. Regular meetings will be held to ensure consistency and effective practice across all subject areas. The action plan includes collaboration with cluster primary schools to ensure continuity and effective assessment from primary to secondary education. Pupil and parental feedback will play a central role in shaping assessment practices, with a specific focus on closing the attainment gap for disadvantaged students. Professional development will be provided to enhance staff skills in providing feedback and tracking progress.

  • We to enhance leadership opportunities for staff at all levels, including seconded roles, vertical slice teams, and leadership within the classroom. Line management meetings will occur regularly to ensure alignment with the school’s core values and improvement plans. Sixth-form prefects will take on more responsibility, and professional learning communities (PLCs) will be developed to foster leadership through active inquiries. A focus will also be placed on supporting staff through professional development programs and the Welsh Government's leadership qualifications. Additionally, parental engagement will be strengthened to ensure their involvement in their child’s educational progress.