Year 5 and 6 Transition
Welcome to the Year 5 and 6 Transition information page. Here you will find all the information needed to support a smooth transition to Year 7 in Ysgol Bro Dinefwr.
For further information on aspects of Transition, contact:
dewi.howells@brodinefwr.org.uk - general transition information
sarah.tiddy@brodinefwr.org.uk - information relating to Welsh language provision
lisa.thomas@brodinefwr.org.uk - information relating to Additional Learning Needs provision
learnertravel@carmarthenshire.gov.uk - for information regarding school transport
What’s happening next?
Year 6 Transition for Cluster Primary Schools
Week commencing 11/11/2024
Year 5 Transition for Cluster Primary Schools
Week commencing 9/6/2025
Year 6 Pupil Induction day
Year 6 Transition for pupils who’ve secured a place in Bro Dinefwr from outside our Cluster schools
Year 6 Parents Evening
6.00 - 7.00 in Ysgol Bro Dinefwr
Year 6 Pupil Induction day
Transition Events
During the week commencing 10th June, our Year 5 pupils from our cluster school came to visit us in Ysgol Bro Dinefwr.
They took part in several practical activities across the school, including cooking with either Cook 24 chef Polly Baldwin or Ben from Gwili Café, making fireworks in the Science labs and doing pond investigations in Natur.
It was a pleasure to welcome these wonderful pupils, and we hope it gave them an insight into the learning experiences they will have if they come to Ysgol Bro Dinefwr in Year 7.

During the week of 15th - 19th January 2024, we welcomed all our cluster primary school Year 6 pupils and staff to the school. Natur leaders organised a fun filled day, full of activities.
External specialists came in to offer a wide range of outdoor learning activities.
West Wales Willows supplied willow for Mrs Thomas-Davies to teach pupils how to create some willow hearts, in time for Dydd Santes Dwynwen next week.
Chef Jen Goss from ‘Our Two Acres’ (funded by Cook 24) made pizzas in our food room.
Gardener Alex Nicholas from the Carmarthenshire Food Network came to show pupils how to make biodegradable plant pots, then planted garlic and broad beans – a perfect winter planting activity. All pupils took these home, so they can benefit from the ‘grow your own’ principle and enjoy watching their crop grow later in the year.
Our Year 10 Bronze Ambassadors and Actif Sir Gar’s Lyn Broderick led an hour PE session on the 4G pitch.
Pupils undertook a Science experiment, testing the pH levels of different types of soil, to find out which were acid, neutral and alkaline using universal indicator paper. Pupils learnt how different plants and flowers prefer certain soil types to grow successfully.
Mr James led a session showing the animals we have in Natur and explained about their care.
Pupils then had to complete a quiz about what they learnt from their day in Natur.
We really hope the Year 6 pupils who visited us enjoyed their varied activities and we look forward to seeing them again for the next transition event!
Visit from Ysgol Ffairfach
Natur welcomed Ysgol Ffairfach's Dewi class this morning (30.1.2024). They had a great morning meeting the goats and ducks. Lots of happy, giggling faces. We even enjoyed tasting goats milk and cheese. The pupils are currently studying The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
We are so excited to be working with our primary cluster schools to build fantastic learning experiences.
The information below explains what you need to do to choose and apply for a secondary school place. Admission to a secondary school is not an automatic process and an application must be made by 29 November 2024.
Please DO NOT RE-APPLY if you have already submitted an application for a secondary school place.
The information you need is available through https://www.carmarthenshire.gov.wales/home/council-services/education-schools/school-admissions-and-changing-schools/
This checklist may assist you:
1. Information for Parents booklet/School Prospectus
Gives you all the information you need to know before applying for a place.
2. Research your secondary school
Find your catchment area school/s online, visit the school website for a prospectus. (Primary Feeder schools are not considered when allocating Secondary school places). Check your Catchment area school on the Council website.
3. Choosing a Language Stream in schools that have more than one stream.
Expressing a preference for a language stream does not guarantee a place in that stream. Each school will have their own policy on allocating language streams.
4. Check transport eligibility www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/schooltransport - Read the transport policy and make an application.
5. To apply for a school place outside of Carmarthenshire contact the Council in that area.
6. Apply online by 29 November 2024. Late applications will only be dealt with after all applications received on-time have been processed and are less likely to be allocated a place as there may not be any spaces left.
7. If you have applied already there is no need to re-apply.
8. If you wish to change your school choices, you will need to email the admissions team directly. Changes made after the deadline will be considered as late applications.
A decision email will be sent to the parent/guardian based on the email address provided on the application, on the National Offer Day which is 1 March, 2025. No information will be given before this date.
Any parent/guardian who does not submit an online application by 29 November 2024, will reduce the chance of obtaining a place for your child in the school of choice.
Yours faithfully
Sue John - School Organisation and Admissions Manager
induction days - key information
This is a great opportunity to experience how it feels to be a pupil in Ysgol Bro Dinefwr and to get you ready for your first day in September. You will get to meet the teachers and new friends.
If you will be getting a school bus in September, then you will be able to get the bus for the Induction Days. Your Primary School will be given specific information about this before the Induction Days.
School staff will be waiting for you by the school gates. They will tell you where it is you need to go. When the bell rings at 9.05 you will need to be in the Main Hall in Tywi block. If you are not sure where that is, please ask pupils or staff and they will help you.
You will need to wear your Primary school uniform but make sure that you wear trainers/sports trousers or shorts as you will be active during the day!
You will need a pencil case with pencils, pens, a rubber and ruler.
You will have received a pack of information if you came to the evening on 5th July. There are forms in there that your parents need to sign and you need to bring those with you. You will also need the information about your classes and Form Group which are included in the pack. Don’t worry if you didn’t get them, as we will have your copy for you on the 6th July. You will need to bring them on the second Induction Day.
You don’t need a packed lunch (unless you want to!) as your lunch will be paid through your usual school lunch account.
You will have two full days in the school where you will experience a typical day at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr. You will have an Assembly with Mr Howells, Head of Year 7. You will meet your Form Tutors and you will attend 5 lessons in different subject areas in the teaching group that you will be in in September. You will also have lunch in the school’s canteen.
What subjects will I be doing?
Here are the subject areas that you will be studying in Year 7.
Why not try some of these challenges at home?

What’s where in the school?
school unform
Our school uniform is available from Eirllyn online, Relmsigns, Llandeilo and Evans and Wilkins, Carmarthen.
Our main daily uniform: Black school skirt or trousers / White school shirt / Ysgol Bro Dinefwr jumper with school logo* / School tie / Black tights or white socks with the skirt / Black or white socks with trousers / Black school shoes
PE kit: School T-Shirt or School rugby top / School shorts or leggings** / School skort (optional)
** Plain black shorts or leggings are acceptable

What do our pupils say?
A day in Year 7
Advice from Year 7
everyone has a say
at ysgol bro dinefwr
What do we need to know about?
Class Charts
We use Class Charts to take the register, record positive and negative points for effort, good work and behaviour, keep a track of homework and keep an updated copy of the pupil’s timetable . All parents sign up to the Parents App, and all pupils sign up for the Pupil App. You receive real-time information about what is happening with your child in school.
Microsoft Teams
The school routinely uses Microsoft Teams for communication between staff and pupils. Each yeargroup and teaching group has its own team.
Parent Pay
We use ParentPay for school lunches, where parents are responsible for maintaining the pupil lunch account in credit. Pupils use their thumbprint to access their accounts and pay for lunch. We also use ParentPay for school trips and consent forms.
Term dates 2024 - 2025
Monday 2nd September 2024
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Friday 25th October 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Friday 21st March 2025
Good Friday: Friday, 18th April 2025
May Day: Monday 5th May 2025
Autumn Term: Wednesday 4th September to Friday 20th December 2024
Half-term: Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024
Spring Term: Monday 6th January to Friday 11 April 2025
Half-term: Monday 24th February - Friday 28th February 2025
Summer Term: Monday 28th April to Friday 18th July 2025
Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 2025

school prospectus
How can i help my child with the move to Ysgol Bro DinefwR?
The move from Year 6 to Secondary School has always been a significant step in a child’s life.
How can you as parents support and prepare your children for that next step over the coming months?
Listen to their concerns about moving, for example changing friendships, finding their way around a larger school, dealing with older pupils and new school rules. Encourage your child to think about what they are looking forward to, such as making new friends, learning new subjects and increased independence.
Foster a good relationship with the school and maintain a positive attitude when talking about school with your child. Any difficulties need to be addressed with the school directly and avoid sharing it with your child to promote positive attachment to the school.
Lunch money is paid by ParentPay and therefore pupils do not need to bring cash on to the school site. There is a maximum spend of £5 per day, but the average spend is no more than £3. You will need to ensure that the account is topped up regularly.
Enjoy shopping for the new uniform and PE kit - discuss with them how to look after it and label all items!
Set aside some time to discuss friendship building and the importance of managing new relationships in the first few weeks of term. How will they manage changing friendships? Encourage your child to be open to getting to know as many people as possible before fixing themselves to a particular group.
Encourage your child to embrace all that school life has to offer. Attainment is important, but it is vital we encourage our young people to engage with the breadth of school life in order to settle in and this will support better attainment. Encourage your child to get involved in the extra-curricular life of the school - this can be a good way to make new friends. There will be plenty of information about clubs promoted to Year 7 in the first few weeks for this reason.
Does your child know how they are getting to school? Go over the journey, what time you will need to leave the house, keeping the bus pass safe etc. Go through potential issues....(What would happen if....?) to pre-empt possible stressful situations before they arise. For school transport, bus passes will arrive during the summer holidays, along with timetables and advice on safe travelling.
The more they know about Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, then better - this will help ease any anxieties that they may have. Look at our website with your child and familiarise yourself with the online transition activities and open evening videos - encourage your child to complete the activities.
Discuss the issue of taking a mobile phone to school with your child, and being responsible for it. We allow pupils to bring phones to school, but this is not absolutely necessary as any emergency can be managed by contacting school reception. Discuss responsible usage of mobiles and devices in school, in particular the safe use of Social Media.
Make sure that they have all the necessary equipment; pencil case with pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, sharpener, calculator and coloured pencils. They will need a schoolbag big enough for A4 exercise books.
Finally, embrace your child's increasing independence as they move up to Secondary school. Prepare them well over coming months, and then take a step back to encourage them to take responsibility for their own schoolwork, attitude and behaviour.

Do you have any further queries?
Frequently asked questions
If you have submitted a general query from this page, your response will appear here shortly. If you have a question specifically relating to your child, please contact the school directly. Thank you.