Curriculum for Wales - Progression Step 4 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
Ysgol Bro Dinefwr is proud to offer a broad range of rich learning experiences, as part of the Curriculum for Wales, beginning in September 2023. We understand that curriculum design is an ongoing process that adapts to the needs of the learning community.
In our preparations, we have ensured we have a curriculum that is flexible and teaching staff have been trained in the principles that underpin excellent teaching. The Curriculum for Wales is designed to ensure that the learners of today are able to adapt to the living and working environments they face in the future and we believe our curriculum offer meets this requirement
Every learner, no matter their age or ability, is planned for and considered. Our curriculum provides a wide range of strategies to engage all learners, using real-life authentic ‘hooks’ for learning and giving the learners experiences that motivate and inspire them
Our curriculum at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr is designed to enable every learner to aspire to the four purposes. Teachers plan according to the 6 Areas of Learning and Experience, with the Four Purposes at the heart of teaching and learning along with the cross-cutting themes, skills, principles of progression and progression steps as part of their curriculum design.
4 Purposes
Healthy, confident
Ethical, informed
Enterprising, creative
Ambitious, capable
Each Area of Learning and Experience (AOLE) has outlined how they have created a curriculum based on the four purposes, in these links below:
How to support your child at home
KS4 Curriculum
Years 10-11
In key stage 4 most pupils follow a programme of statutory core subjects which include Mathematics (Mathematics and Mathematics of Numeracy), English (Language and Literature), Welsh (Language and Literature), Science (Double or Applied Single Award), Religious Education, and Physical Education. These subjects are taught together with 3 optional subjects that are set out below. Separate Science is offered for pupils who have been identified as more able and talented.
For some of our vocational subjects we work in partnership with Coleg Sir Gar, and for these subjects pupils will be transported to other centres on a weekly basis in order to carry out the practical lessons as well as complete their written work.
KS5 Curriculum
Years 12-13
As a school we are extremely proud of our sixth form centre which has a track record of success in all aspects of academic study, and which succeeds annually in guiding students into higher education or their chosen career. Membership of the sixth form gives access to a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities that include school shows, concerts and stage or public speaking competitions. On the sports field high standards are maintained in the fields of Hockey, Rugby, Netball together with a number of other sports.
All of our learners will follow the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification, along with up to four optional level 3 subjects from the list below. These courses include AS and A level courses and are assessed primarily through examination as well as vocational courses assessed primarily through coursework. We aim to be a centre that meets the needs of our learners and as a result we conduct annual pupil questionnaires to ensure that the curriculum and provision adapt to meet the needs of all our learners.
Post-16 options
Detailed information about each of our 6th Class courses can be found in the post-16 options page.
At post 16 we aim to offer a wide range of courses that allow our students to gain the experience and knowledge required to reach their University of Choice or to access their career path. Our experienced staff will prepare learners to meet the higher demands at this level, while allowing learners to continue their education in a familiar setting. The school will evaluate the provision annually and where necessary an possible we will always look to tailor the provision to meet the need of the learners. We continue to expand our bilingual provision at Post-16 level, and where demand and numbers allow we will always look to provide access to education in both Welsh and English.
Overview of PSHE provision in YBD
Our PSHE curriculum aims to enable pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. We continually evaluate the content and effectiveness of our PSHE provision so that our pupils gain an awareness of the current issues in society, through fun and engaging lessons.
Year 7
PSHE is integrated into the newly-formed Health and wellbeing, and Humanities areas of learning and experience. Topics covered include Food and Nutrition, emotional wellbeing, citizenship and awareness of current affairs.
Years 8 & 9
Each pupil receives a timetabled 1-hour lesson per fortnight. Delivered by the PSHE team, the scheme of work covers areas such as healthy relationships, mental and emotional wellbeing, an introduction to employability skills and eSafety.
Year 10
Pupils in years 10 and 11 will study the welsh Baccalaureate Qualification across two years. They will be taught over 6 hours per fortnight and the end qualification is equivalent to a GCSE grade. To obtain the qualification pupils are required to complete 4 challenges which include, Global Citizenship, Enterprise and Employability, Community, and an Individual Project. As part of this provision pupils will learn about aspects of current affairs and politics that affect our day to day lives. This work is completed electronically to produce an e-portfolio of evidence.
Sixth Form
Each pupil receives a timetabled 1-hour lesson per fortnight. Delivered by the PSHE team, the scheme of work covers areas that focus on the pupils’ progression into the next phase of education, employment or training. In Year 13, pupils will use this time to work on their UCAS applications and researching careers.
We are currently working closely with Careers Wales to remodel our employability provision. Our aim is to deliver high quality lessons to develop employability knowledge and skills across all year groups. This will be done by engaging with local employers and businesses in line with the New Curriculum for Wales, so that when our pupils leave us they will be ambitious, enterprising and informed citizens ready to embark on whatever path they choose.