Pastoral Support
Message from Mr Stuart Thomas, Assistant Head and Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP)
“Pastoral and wellbeing support is an integral part of school life at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr. Recognising the importance of this allows our learners to approach challenges with a regulated mind-set and achieve resilience. The Pastoral Department at Bro Dinefwr can offer one-to-one support for learners through a range of strategies or signpost young people to the appropriate external agencies. Maintaining a health mind will undoubtedly allow our learners to flourish and achieve their full potential.”
Meet the Team
Information for Pupils and Parents
For parents
Should a parent wish to discuss a pastoral or well-being concern, the primary route would be to raise the issue via the Head of Year (HOY):
In the event that a parent would like to contact the Designated Safeguarding Person directly, please use the e-mail address below:
Who is there to support me?
The hardest steps are often the first when it comes to seeking support but please rest assured that any issues will be addressed in a confidential and sensitive manner.
For learners
All members of staff at Bro Dinefwr are available to listen to a learner’s concerns. Depending on the nature of that concern, the staff member will then communicate details to the most appropriate member of the Pastoral Department. This way we can ensure that a specialist provision is provided for your child.
School Based Counselling Services
Area 43 Counselling Service will continue to support students remotely during the current Lockdown conditions. If you feel that you would benefit from their services then please follow the link for an online referral:
Please note that there is excellent signposting to other agencies on the above link.
School Based Youth Worker
Youth Support Service
Youth Support Workers help vulnerable young people aged 10 – 18 to build resilience and develop the skills they need to live, learn and achieve.
Based at Secondary Schools throughout Carmarthenshire, Youth Support Workers offer support around behaviour, relationships, peer pressure, health and education to enable young people to take greater control of their lives and make more informed choices.
Contact the service through your school or tel: 01554 744322
Post 16 Youth Workers
Post 16 Youth Workers support young people aged 18-25 years and their families, to help make sure they reach their potential.
They promote education, employment, training and volunteering opportunities for young people and will work with them around relationships, income, housing and their emotional health and well- being.
Contact the service on 01554 744322
Young person’s mental health toolkit
Six categories of digital resources to support your mental health and well-being. Each section contains links to websites, apps, helplines, and more that are designed to give you tools to boost your well-being.
To get started, go to - https://bit.ly/ypmhten
Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Person (known as key Adult) prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved.
Information is shared with a school’s Key Adult (Designated Safeguarding Person) prior to the start of the next school day after officers have attended a domestic abuse incident. This sharing of information enables appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.