Sixth Form
A word of welcome…
“Joining the Sixth Form is a new and exciting phase in your lives, and I am delighted that you are considering Bro Dinefwr for your Post-16 education.
Our inclusive Sixth Form offers you a wide range of A Level and BTEC subjects. The combination of high-quality teaching and personalised guidance leads to excellent success rates. Our dedicated staff support students in achieving their academic potential, with many progressing to employment and apprenticeships and a significant number of students securing places at Oxbridge and Russell Group Universities.
We encourage students to aim high and develop interests and attitudes in preparation for university life and the world of work. Alongside a commitment to focusing on academic study, a wealth of opportunities exists to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, including the opportunity to apply for the NASA space school in Houston and the Harvard Summer School.
Our staff will support you on your journey, with the expertise to direct you to the right pathway of study that is tailored for you. This personalised approach, pastoral care and rich academic, vocational and extra-curricular provision make Bro Dinefwr an inspiring place in which to learn.
We really hope you choose to study with us and look forward to welcoming you to the Sixth Form at Bro Dinefwr in September 2022.”

Transition to the sixth form
Here at Bro Dinefwr we make every effort to ensure that our year 11 pupils have all of the necessary information to make informed and accurate choices for their future. In addition to the careers assistance in partnership with Careers Wales, we will conduct many sessions throughout the year to give advice, information and opportunities to discuss their choices. This includes communication with parents where necessary.
Below is a summary of the year 11 activities planned for this academic year.
September - December
¨ Information assemblies regarding the courses available and the transition process.
¨ Initial choices questionnaire for students.
January - March
¨ Sixth form prospectus published online, and circulated via parent e-mails.
¨ Sixth form options evening—information from subject leaders.
¨ Morning departmental information sessions.
¨ Individual meetings with pupils to discuss options (year 11 and 12 progress leaders).
Final options submitted to the school based on the option columns given
¨ GCSE Results
¨ Sixth form registration on the GCSE results day (pm) in the Hall.
¨ An opportunity to make final adjustments to options.
¨ Begin studying the chosen courses.

Benefits of the 6th form
To give each student an opportunity to fulfill his/her full academic, technical, practical and social potential and to assist pupils to develop lively and questioning minds.
To teach students to communicate effectively in both written and spoken Welsh and English in a truly bilingual environment.
To be part of a caring community that is sensitive to the needs of each individual.
To work with teachers that are known to students, and that know the students and their learning style well.
To have opportunities to develop leadership skills through working with younger pupils on whole school activities.
To partake in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, developing students as rounded individuals, and enriching professional profiles
Receive support and assistance from experts in order to decide on next steps be they universities, or gaining access to the world of employment

General Information
Study Resources
The sixth form centre has many rooms adapted and dedicated to research, studying, revision, and working independently in free periods.
There is a choice of, the ‘Hwb’, a computer room exclusively for the use of sixth form students, or the library as a quiet environment to work independently and revise. In addition to this there is the ’Hafan’, a space for relaxation and socialising with friends that includes a café that sells tea, coffee and a range of food and drink to suit all taste buds.
Financial Support
All students will be given the opportunity to apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). The individuals that are eligible will receive:
A learning agreement to sign.
Money distributed directly into the bank account fortnightly.
A bonus payment made 3 times a year.
Eligible students must maintain good standards of attendance and progress in the options in order to receive their full payments.
It is possible to arrange a seat on a school bus through the county transport department. Usually if a pupil has been granted free school transport in years 7-11 then this will be offered in the same way to them in the sixth form.
Monitoring Progress
We as a school maintain that contact with parents/guardians is essential for success, and as such will closely monitor progress in each of the options. This will include monitoring subject specific progress on a termly basis, interim reports, a full annual report, and an annual parents evening. This is aimed at recognising students that are underachieving, offering support, and mentoring to try and improve the performance as necessary.
Students maintain the standard of the school uniform acting as an example to other pupils in the school. This is a requirement for all sixth form students. The uniform consists of : -
The official Sixth form Jumper
Straight black trousers or skirt
Plain black socks or tights
White shirt, and the sixth form tie
Plain black leather shoes

Entry Requirements
Ysgol Bro Dinefwr offers a range of Level 3 courses in the Sixth Form. We are pleased to accept students with a range of abilities. Prospective students are expected to demonstrate a determined attitude to work hard in lessons and during study periods, and a willingness to make the most of the courses and opportunities offered.
In order to access our A level and other Level 3 courses, students will ideally need to have achieved 5 GCSEs at C grade or above. These should include English or Welsh first language and Mathematics. Students who do not achieve English Language or mathematics at grade C are expected to retake and pass the subject in year 12.
The majority of students follow 3 subjects in addition to the Welsh Baccalaureate.
To study some A level subjects we prefer students to have gained B or A grades or higher at GCSE.
Students are provided with help and guidance in order to ensure that they choose subjects appropriate to their ability.
In exceptional circumstances entry may not be allowed into the sixth form.