course information
This interesting and lively course aims to develop a desire and ability to communicate with and understand French native speakers. The language will be studied through a range of topics such as:
- Language for leisure and wellbeing (identity and culture, relationships, free time, health and fitness)
- Language for travel (your own area, the French speaking world, the environment)
- Language for study and work (future plans, work and careers)
The course will also enable pupils to further develop their cultural understanding of the countries where the language is spoken.
The qualification is not tiered and every pupil will have access to the full range of grades.
The examination is organised as follows:
Unit 1: oral exam at the end of Y11 (30%)
Unit 2: Reading and Writing coursework in March/April of Y11 (15%)
Unit 3: Listening exam in Y11 (20%)
Unit 4: Reading and writing exam in Y11 (35%)
In Unit 1 pupils will learn how to speak the language in day to day situations such as taking the train, going to a tourist office, going to the doctor or pharmacy, ordering food in a restaurant, etc. They will learn to ask and respond to questions, ask for advice, make complaints, give their opinions and explain their reasons.
In unit 2 pupils will study a graphic novel, story, film or novel (TBC). They will need to write about it in French.
In unit 3 pupils will learn to understand spoken messages such as adverts, messages, podcasts, conversations and interviews and will be required to answer questions in English/Welsh.
In unit 4 pupils will learn how to understand written texts, translate into English/Welsh and produce short written tasks in French in formal and informal contexts.
The study of a modern foreign language will broaden horizons, develop cultural knowledge and understanding and foster skills such as confidence, communication, problem solving and creativity.
Examinations Body
Subject Leader
Mdme. France le Huquet