course information
This course is equivalent to 1 GCSE. If you achieve the Level 2, it is equivalent to one GCSE grade A*-C. Level 1 pass is equivalent to one GCSE D – G grade.
It is a mix of practical and theory work and there will be some lessons which are just theory work. Excellent attendance is essential and high levels of effort are required in both practical and theory sessions.
Unit 1
This is a written exam in Safety and Security in Construction.
Unit 2
This unit is all about Practical Skills such as brick work, carpentry and plastering.
Unit 3
This is a long written task called ‘Planning Construction Projects’ and you will do most of this in Year 11.
Entry Qualifications
No prior qualification needed to undertake the course, but the assessment will require written assignments to be completed together with practical assessments.
The course is delivered one afternoon a week over a period of two years, and excellent attendance is required.
Successful completion of this course will allow you to progress to a higher level qualification in Construction.