Behavioural Support

At Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, we believe that if learners work hard and display positive attitudes to both their learning in school and at home, then this can only breed success and foster positive relationships for learning.

Be Kind - Be Respectful - Be Ambitious

Behavioural and Intervention Centres

We expect all learners to show pride inside and outside of the classroom by:

  • Wearing uniform correctly in line with the school policy

  • Move around the school sensibly and with purpose between lessons

  • Being ready to learn with correct equipment

  • Following instructions from the teacher

  • Being self-aware, not dropping litter, shouting or swearing

  • Focusing on the lesson positively and completing work to an exceptional standard

  • Being ready for lessons promptly when the bell rings

  • Being polite, showing good manners and listening silently when others are speaking

  • Behaving responsibly on school transport

Yma i Ddysgu

At Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, to be ready to learn, learners must:

  • Arrive on time to all lessons

  • Follow the seating plan

  • Allow staff to speak without disruption

  • Always speak and listen respectfully

  • Allow themselves and others to learn

When learners do not meet these expectations, they will be issued with a Class Charts warning and an opportunity to correct their behaviour. Where a learner continues to not meet these expectations despite a warning from the teacher they will be removed from the lesson and taken to the behaviour centre. All opportunities for restorative conversations will be supported and reintegration to lessons will happen as soon as possible.

Further Support & Intervention

There are ample opportunities for learners who need further behaviour support available with our Behaviour Support Officer in the Intervention Centre and an additional new safe space called the Cwtsh available for learners to regulate and calm themselves during heightened moments. Pastoral support will still be available in M2 from our Pastoral and Well-being Officer.

Lack of Engagement

To support learners and their progress it is important that they are held accountable for the effort and attitude they hold towards their own learning experiences. Some learners may not show negative behaviour; however, they also may not engage in learning either.

In this instance, learners will be issued with a level 1 class teacher detention instead of Class Charts warnings and removals. Failure to attend any detention may result in its escalation to level 2 detentions with the Head of the Area of Learning, level 3 and 4 detentions with Heads of Year or time in the Behaviour Centre if there is a continued lack of attendance to detentions.

This is to allow learners to take responsibility for their lesson engagement.

Positive Rewards and Recognition

Creating positive relationships for learning is also an integral part of the teaching and learning journey at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr. Learners can achieve positive points on a daily, weekly and termly basis.


A Class Charts Rewards store has been created to allow learners to access “spendable points”. These points are earned whenever a positive point is awarded to the learner. The total points available to learners are an aggregate score of their positive points minus their negative points.  Learners can choose from a menu of rewards which they can buy via the ClassCharts app.  


  • Maintaining 100 points termly  

  • Maintaining 2 weekly points for 100% attendance 

  • Heads of Year (in discussion with Form Tutors) will be responsible for awarding 10 ‘good citizenship’ points half-termly 

  • Heads of AoLE (in discussion with AoLE staff) will award 5 points for good progress and 10 points for exceptional progress points half-termly.   

  • For extra-curricular involvement, staff running the event will be responsible for giving out 5 positive points.  10 & 20 points will be made available for exceptional achievement (representing the school at a County or National level)