Year 7 Parents

For all Parents of year 7 students at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr:

Carmarthenshire Youth Service are running a brand new course called SPACE – Supporting Parents and Children Emotionally - at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr.

It’s a really exciting course that explores how our brains respond to stress and difficult emotions, and helpful strategies we can use to support our wellbeing.

The course is run in two halves: Parents join one group to gain an understanding of how they can support themselves as they support their children, and the young people join their own group to explore these themes for themselves. The hope is that everyone taking part can learn some helpful things about themselves and their children  to boost their emotional health.

Please see the flyer below with details of the course. We’re proposing to run the group in the morning on a Wednesday, for 5 weeks. If you are interested but your schedule can’t be flexible, please let me know  as we may seek to run an evening course in the future.

 If you’d be interested in joining in, please contact our school’s Youth Worker, Lauren Stacey, on and she can get in touch with more information.


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