GCSE REsults

Here are the arrangements for collecting GCSE results on 25th August 2022:

Year 11

Senior Staff will distribute Year 11 results in the Main Hall from 9.00 to 12.00. All Year 11 pupils are expected to pick up their results in person, so that plans for September 2022 can be confirmed with pupils. Year 11 results will also be emailed to all Year 11 pupils. If you are only able to pick up your results by email, please contact Senior Staff at the school by email to confirm or discuss your intentions for September 2022. All relevant email addresses are available here:

Year 10

Year 10 results will not be available to be collected at the school, and will be sent by email to all pupils on Thursday morning. Any queries with results will be picked up by subject staff in September.


Start of Term letter for parents


Is your child waiting for their GCSE or A-Level exam results?