December 2023

At Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, we have developed Natur, our outdoorlearning centre - an area of land adjacent to the school thatfocuses on sustainability, innovation, creativity andengagement in the natural world.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act and the

Curriculumfor Wales

inspired the school to create Natur four years ago.Every year since then great progress has been made by severalmembers of staff and stakeholders to develop the site.

We firmly believe that education is where progress towardsnet zero must start. Acting today for a better tomorrow.

Our outdoor learning centre actively encourages our learnersto make healthy, informed, lifelong decisions and be proactiveglobal citizens.

Site maintenance

Our thanks are extended to Mr Andrew James our outdoorlearning technician for maintaining the site and Mr Rhys Bevanfor assisting with the electrical and construction work. New solarlights and coloured flood lights have been installed making Naturlook amazing on these cold winter evenings!

Mr James has supplied organic farmyard manure to feed theyoung plants and trees already planted in Natur.

A large number of bulbs have been planted around Natur and theentrance of the school by some of our learners and Mr James –please look out for a flash of spring colour in the months ahead!

The development of the orchard

We have been very fortunate in receiving a range of applepressing and juicing equipment in November thanks to fundingfrom Social Farms and Gardens via the Green SpacesPartnership. This will allow us as a school to work with the localcommunity next Autumn in offering ‘Apple Days’ – further detailsto come closer to the time.

Mr Joey Hughes of Merched y Berllan, Machynlleth hosted a freetree pruning workshop on Tuesday 6th December to 20 membersof the community. This was again funded thanks to Social Farmsand Gardens via the Green Spaces Partnership.


We would like to extend a huge thank you to several people and businesses whohave kindly sponsored us or completed work free of charge on the Natur site sinceSeptember. The list is long, and we appreciate everything every one of you havedone to help our learners:


· Brian Jones, Castell Howell Foods

· Enzo Sauro Construction

· Alan Jones of A and S Construction

· West Wales Willows

· Llangadog Tree Services

· Wynnstay

· Thanks to staff and parents who have donated plants and gardening tools.

Teaching and Learning in Natur

Natur hosted the learners who didn’t attend the Llangrannog residential visit for 3 days inOctober. Learners undertook some exciting cross curricular tasks based on the

Curriculumfor Wales including public speaking, drama, environmental art, building a bug hotel, writinga limerick about nature and drawing a plan of the site. Our thanks are extended to the staffwho supported the learners.

Mrs Wendy Thomas Davies teaches her Year 7 Product Design classes in ‘Y Nyth’ withinNatur. Learners have focused on sustainability and built individual bug hotels.

Canolfan Cothi learners and staff visit Natur 3 times a week. We encourage inclusivity inNatur and a warm welcome is received by all.

Mrs Lauren Stacey our school youth worker visits Natur several times a week with groupsof learners.

An after-school Horticulture club ran from 3.50 to 5.00pm every Wednesday duringNovember. The club his having a break until Spring, when the weather will be morepleasant. We look forward to welcoming you all then!

Natur has been open to learners at lunchtimes. It has been a pleasure to see many learnersembrace the opportunity to engage in nature. We extend our thanks to the learners whohave helped Mr James with some maintenance work around the site during this time.


To raise funds for Natur this term we:

  • Organised a monthly Car Boot Sale on a Saturday. We will resume in March after thewinter months.

  • Organised a Christmas Fair. Over 50 art, crafts, plant and food stalls attended. AnAuction of Promise and Raffle were held on the evening. It was a huge success,extremely well attended and we extend our thanks to Llandovery Male Voice Choir forperforming for us that evening. We raised a good sum on money which will be used tobuy fencing to fence off the large pond as well as buying seeds, plants and furthergarden equipment for the Spring months ahead.

Working with local businesses

Justine Burgess, owner of West Wales Willows ran a 2-day willow weaving workshopcreating 4 hurdles for the entrance of Natur. Over 100 pupils were involved!

CWM Environmental have kindly supplied Natur with a pallet of ‘Merlin’s Magic Compost’ tohelp with the growth of our plants and future vegetables next Spring.


Learners have helped build a 3-compartment compost site, enabling all green waste to berecycled.

Mrs Owen and the Eco committee have erected a weather station in Natur and arecollecting weather and environmental data to be analysed by our learners.


Working with local businesses

Justine Burgess, owner of West Wales Willows ran a 2-day willow weaving workshopcreating 4 hurdles for the entrance of Natur. Over 100 pupils were involved!

CWM Environmental have kindly supplied Natur with a pallet of ‘Merlin’s Magic Compost’ tohelp with the growth of our plants and future vegetables next Spring.

Raising the profile of Natur

Mrs Thomas-Davies has presented the vision and plans for Natur to all year groups inmorning assemblies this term.

The National Education Union magazine interviewed Mrs Thomas-Davies and Mrs Owenabout net zero developments on our school site. This article will be published shortly intheir magazine.

Mrs Thomas-Davies, Mrs Owen and Mr James attended Carmarthenshire County ClimateAction Consultation Group at Burns business centre in Kidwelly. Mrs Thomas-Davies andMrs Owen were two of the lead speakers sharing the progress and initiatives Ysgol BroDinefwr have undertaken to date.


Natur has hosted several guests from the County Educational Department as well asindependent officers with an interest in the work within the Outdoor Learning Area.

We need your help….

Do any parents or guardians have any unwanted wellington boots, wetweather coats or gardening gloves of various sizes that they no longerrequire? We’d be extremely grateful for any donations to ensure that awider range of learners can access Natur in wet weather conditions. Pleasecontact Andrew James on if you haveany donations.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year andwe look forward to providing you with another update on what’s beenhappening in Natur during the Spring.

Mrs Wendy Thomas-Davies

Assistant Headteacher


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