Digital Technology
General course information
The qualification advances learners’ understanding of the digital technologies that are used by individuals and organisations across the world, including how they have developed and how they continue to change.
The qualification enables learners to develop a deep understanding of how innovations in digital technology, and the increasing levels of connectivity between them, impact the lives of those who use them and the wider society.
Learners will also develop practical skills in developing both creative digital products and digital solutions to problems faced by organisations, supporting their progression into employment in a career that utilises digital technologies or onto a programme of higher education involving digital technologies.
The qualification may be taken by those who have previously studied WJEC GCSE Digital Technology or those who are interested in developing new skills in this subject area. The qualification will be of particular value to those with an interest in working in digital technology or continuing their studies in this subject area in higher education. It is, nonetheless, designed to appeal to a broad range of learners with different interests and may complement the study of a wide range of other subjects.
Course Content
Unit 1
An assessment (taken on-screen), comprising of a range of question types to assess specification content related to: connected digital systems and smart devices, the development of Artificial Intelligence, digital technology development life cycles, user experience and human computer interaction in digital systems development and the functions, purposes and uses of social media by individuals and organisations.
An on screen examination assessment
Unit 2
A non-examined assessment focussing on the end to end creation of a game. Candidates will investigate, plan, design, create, test and review a game of their choice.
A portfolio internally marked and then moderated by the examination board.
A2 / A Level
Unit 3
An assessment (taken on-screen), comprising of a range of question types to assess specification content related to: collecting, storing, analysing and using data, cyber security, and digital technology networks.
An on screen examination assessment
A2 / A Level
Unit 4
A non-examined assessment focussing on the creation of a transactional website linked to a server-based RDBMS. Candidates will plan, design, create, develop, review, test and refine a transactional website of their choice.
A portfolio internally marked and then moderated by the examination board.
Career Prospects
This qualification supports progression into appropriate further or higher education, employment or training. There are few careers that do not require some degree of competence with ICT. Degree courses could be followed in Multimedia, Computing, Interactive media, Games design, Web design, 3D graphics and animation. Apprenticeships in Business Administration and Information Technology are another route forward.
Ideal Entry requirements
Although each application will be considered on an individual basis it would be preferable to have at least C grades English and Mathematics at GCSE level.